Pile-drivers operator

This is the last part of the project in Nigeria for the Dangote Fertilizer Plant. We have created a foundation consisting of about 4000 piles and finished the project with champagne. I wish all my international and local colleagues the best of luck.

I got the opportune to work in Nigeria through the Dutch company Van ‘t Hek International. They written a section on this project in ‘HEKWERK’ the internal newsletter, see bellow.

Besides the machines mentioned in the previous post I operated the KOBELKO CLK1350i and CLK1000i.


Worked as a pile  driver operator in Nigeria for a project of Dangote group. Operated the Hitachi 230-3 PD/KH500-2/CX900 GLS, KOBELCO CKL1350i/CKL1000i and 230 GLS
Worked as a pile  driver operator in Nigeria for a project of Dangote group. Operated the Hitachi 230-3 PD/KH500-2/CX900 GLS, KOBELCO CKL1350i/CKL1000i and 230 GLS
Worked as a pile  driver operator in Nigeria for a project of Dangote group. Operated the Hitachi 230-3 PD/KH500-2/CX900 GLS, KOBELCO CKL1350i/CKL1000i and 230 GLS
Worked as a pile  driver operator in Nigeria for a project of Dangote group. Operated the Hitachi 230-3 PD/KH500-2/CX900 GLS, KOBELCO CKL1350i/CKL1000i and 230 GLS
Worked as a pile  driver operator in Nigeria for a project of Dangote group. Operated the Hitachi 230-3 PD/KH500-2/CX900 GLS, KOBELCO CKL1350i/CKL1000i and 230 GLS
Worked as a pile  driver operator in Nigeria for a project of Dangote group. Operated the Hitachi 230-3 PD/KH500-2/CX900 GLS, KOBELCO CKL1350i/CKL1000i and 230 GLS